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A Series of Unfortunate Events...
So Friday I went down to Fin N Feather and purchased a Percula Clownfish and a Bubble Tip Anemone. For the record, this isn't the "correct" anemone for Percs but behind the Redwood Curtain options are limited and I would rather not mail order.
I should also mention that the Sunday before last I added a Coralife Mini T5 light fixture. I have never been a big fan of Coralife products because in my humble opinion, quality is always mediocre at best. That said, it was a relatively cheap and easy option. As of Saturday evening, things were looking really good; the anemone had attached and seemed to be acclimating well.
As I was entering the kitchen Sunday morning to start the coffee before heading out to work, I noticed the aquarium looked milky, which is usually not a good sign. Upon closer inspection I was horrified to see the anemone sucked up against the filter intake strainer. Not having much time before I had to get to work, I attempted to free the anemone as gently as possible, but to no avail. I ended up sacrificing the strainer whilst trying to keep the damage to the anemone as minimal as possible, but still ended up needing to use scissors....OUCH!Although it looked bad, I was confident the anemone would recover. In the meantime the clown fish was inching closer and closer to the anemone but still hadn't made contact, as far as I knew.
Fast forward to Monday morning, when my Mini T5 fixture flickered quite a bit after being switched on. I quickly turned it back off and then back on again, which seemed to alleviate the issue. However,when I arrived home from work it was dead as a doorknob. Against all odds, I unplugged my filter to test the light fixture in a different socket and of course it still didn't work. Can you guess what I'm about to say? That's right, I never plugged my filter back in. ARRRGGAAAHHH@#$%^&*!
Of course I didn't realize I hadn't plugged the filter back in until this morning, when I wasn't able to easily see the clown fish. The poor little guy was at the top of the tank where it's warmer and there's more oxygen. That's when it hit me,
Needless to say, I immediately plugged in the filter and then noticed how bad the anemone looked. Fortunately by the time I left for work the tank had come back up to temperature (roughly 2 degrees F), and both fish and anemone were perking up. As of this evening everything seems fine and the fish shows no sign of ich.
Talk about dodging a bullet! I'll try and get some photos of the fish up as soon as my daughters can decide on a name, I'm partial to Poseidon but when the heck do I get a say in anything?
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